Document Cover Page.
Document Number: 6270/18 EXT 1.
Subject Codes: IA 47 INST 63 MERTENS 2 POLGEN 11 BETREG 2.
Heading: NOTE.
Originator: General Secretariat of the Council.
Recipient: Delegations.
Subject: Impact assessment - Guidance for Working Party Chairs - Indicative Checklist.
Commission Document Number: Not Set.
Preceeding Document Number: Not Set.
Location: Brussels.
Date: 12 March 2018.
Interinstitutional Files: Not Set.
Institutional Framework: Council of the European Union.
Language: EN.
Distribution Code: LIMITE.
GUID: 4897372780724334387_0

Delegations will find herewith an extract of the Guidance for Working Party Chairs (Handbook) setting out the indicative Checklist for Working Party Chairs (Annex I of 6270/18).


Examination of Commission IAs in the Council

in the context of the consideration of Commission proposals

- Indicative Checklist for Working Party Chairs -

Title of proposal


Lead DG


1.      Context of the IA

a)      Is the IA carried out at the initiative of the Commission, the Council, or the European Parliament?

 Commission            Council           Parliament

b)      Is the policy context explained clearly?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Is the legal basis of the initiative clear and appropriate?

 Yes        No        Partly


2.      Problem definition

a)      Are the existence, scale and consequences of the problem clearly demonstrated?

 Yes  No  Partly


b)      Is the analysis of the problem supported by evidence, including comments and studies submitted by Member States or stakeholders during consultations?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Is any gap in evidence acknowledged?

 Yes        No        Partly


3.      Methodology

Is an appropriate methodology applied? Are the methodological choices, limitations and uncertainties clearly set out?

 Yes        No        Partly


4.      Policy objectives

a)      Does the IA set out clear policy objectives, including general aims and more specific/operational objectives?

 Yes        No        Partly


b)      Do the policy objectives correspond to the identified problems?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Are the policy objectives consistent with the broad EU policy strategies and the Strategic Agenda?

 Yes        No        Partly


d)      Are the objectives linked to measurable monitoring indicators?

 Yes        No        Partly


5.      Subsidiarity & Proportionality

a)      Is the Union's competence clearly established?

 Yes        No        Partly


b)      Does the IA analyse whether the proposed action is consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, and are necessity and added value of EU action clearly demonstrated?

 Yes        No        Partly



c)      Does the IA analyse whether the proposed action is consistent with the principle of proportionality?

 Yes        No        Partly


d)      Does the IA take into account action already taken or planned at EU or MS level?

 Yes        No        Partly


6.      Policy Options

a)      Which of the following options does the IA identify to meet the objectives?

         (more than one answer is possible)

 No EU action                             Policy alternatives

 Alternatives to regulation        Further harmonization


b)      Are the most affected public/stakeholders identified?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Does the IA contain elements on how public and stakeholders consultations informed the policy options ?

 Yes        No        Partly


d)      Where relevant, are there reasons given for discarding options that were favoured during public and stakeholders consultations?

 Yes        No        Partly


7.      Analysis of impacts

a)      Are the criteria used to determine the impact of the different policy options transparent?

 Yes        No        Partly


b)      Are the impacts of the different policy options set out in a comparable format?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Where appropriate, are both the short and long-term costs and benefits of the different policy options taken into consideration?

 Yes        No        Partly


d)      Are impacts on affected public and stakeholders clearly analysed, for each policy option, in particular for the selected option?

 Yes        No        Partly


8.      Specific aspects included in the IA

Where applicable, indicate whether the impact has been sufficiently assessed, both in qualitative and quantified terms, and whether the data and evidence used were appropriate.

a) Economic impacts

Impacts on competition

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Impacts on consumers

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Impacts on competitiveness

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Impacts on Small and Medium Enterprises, including micro-enterprises[1]

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Administrative burdens and compliance costs, especially for businesses

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Digital aspects (including on the development of the Digital Single Market)

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

Futureproofing (degree to which proposal is future proof and innovation-friendly?)

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

b) Social impacts[2]

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

c)  Environmental impacts[3]

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

d) Impacts on individual Member States, regional or local authorities (territorial impacts)

Sufficiently assessed                                                                             Yes  No

Based on appropriate data/evidence                                                   Yes  No

If not, please elaborate:      

9.      Opinion of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board[4] (RSB) of the Commission

Are the comments and recommendations of the RSB considered in the IA report?

 Yes        No         Partly


10.    Monitoring, transposition, compliance

a)      Will the proposed indicators enable the intended effects to be measured?

 Yes        No        Partly


b)      Are those responsible for monitoring (and compliance) identified?

 Yes        No        Partly


c)      Are operational monitoring and evaluation arrangements proposed?

 Yes        No        Partly


d)      Does the IA address the impact of the proposed transposition deadline for MS ?

 Yes        No        Partly


11.    Summary

Main issues proposed for discussion during the WP meeting on the Commission’s IA:






[1]           Impact assessments should assess SME impacts, and should also analyse the case for allowing (a) exemptions for micro-enterprises with <10 employees and <€2 mio turnover or balance sheet, and (b) lighter regimes for SMEs. See

[2]           e.g. impacts on employment and labour markets, social inclusion and protection of particular groups, public health and safety, etc.
See also Guidance for assessing Social Impacts within the Commission Impact Assessment system (

[3]           e.g. impacts on climate, air and water quality, use of the renewable or non-renewable resources, the likelihood or scale of environmental risks, use of energy etc.

[4]           Available by searching by Commission DG and date of publication at the following website